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podcass: why you should never settle

I was thinking about the topic for today’s episode and thought how I could build on last week’s episode on being more positive and having more fun. I think it’s pretty clear that I’m always trying to become better. I don’t ever want to settle in any area of my life – why should I? One of my life’s mottos is a quote from Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better you do better.” I love learning new things or hearing a new perspective on something that I maybe hadn’t considered before and this is where I get confused because I think I’m a part of a small group that does.

Knowledge is power and the more you know about yourself and the world the more power you have. I try to spend as much time as possible reading all sides of things so that when I form my own opinion I can back it up because I have the whole picture.

So let’s talk about settling and why I think you should NEVER do it. I see people all the time settling and it drives me insane!! I get it. You might be thinking, “Cass, why do you care let people live their lives??” but that’s the thing…

I love connecting with people and often times their desires don’t match up with their current reality and the bottlenecks that are usually stopping that shift from happening aren’t major roadblocks to me so I get irritated lol. You just have to be creative and open-minded and figure it out. Anything is figureoutable!!

In last week’s episode I challenged you to try a few days positively and having more fun. I hope you took my advice and it worked and you’re here facing another week with a lighter heart and happier spirit.

I try to push myself in every way to become the best version of me. My marriage is what really catapulted that for me too. Marriage is like a mirror, it really shows you things about yourself you never realized.

I’m aware that settling is sometimes just plain easier. We all do it even in our littlest moments day to day. Did the barista get your coffee order wrong? Do you drink it even though you looked forward to your favorite the whole way to the coffee shop? Sometimes it’s just easier to pull away and not get out of your car in the rain to go inside or whatever but this is related to a conversation I have with friends who get the wrong order at a restaurant and just deal with it even if they hate it.

I think about those instances on top of all of the other moments in life where we feel guilty for asking someone to do something for us or we keep the job because it has health insurance and that’s safe. I was that person this summer who kept their job because of the insurance although I was so unhappy and my mental health was deteriorating. Which looking back now, all I have to do is write a check like I pay my phone bill each month and I don’t have to have a boss ever again.

Maybe that’s the reason for this episode today now that I’m talking about it… I’ve learned a lot through quitting my job this summer because it wasn’t exactly the plan. It was sudden and took a lot of processing. I wanted to build up my income with this world before I made the leap so I did know eventually I’d be leaving to go on my own, but I didn’t have a set timeline. It was a safe plan in the midst of a pandemic, but an extremely difficult one and one that’d sacrifice my mental health.

One thing that I’ve mentioned from time to time is when people talk to me about living in Colorado. “I wish I could live there, wow, I could never” and I’m like… but you could. That’s what I don’t get. There is no difference between me and you, and you doing that right there is limiting you from doing it but not for the reasons you think!

You can have whatever you want. You can have the life you want. You just have to be willing to give that to yourself and believe that you can actually have it. I am so passionate about engagement, community, and what makes people want to get up in the morning to do their jobs. That’s what I have been doing professionally for the last 5 years — the last 3 at a remote company figuring out ways to make everyone at our company around the world feel connected and be excited about their jobs.

One of the major issues with having my last job was time. It was extremely demanding and took most of my brain power so I became resentful because I was doing what I could for cassidyeats for years… a balancing act that many admired. It wasn’t until a year or so ago that I realized that I could actually do this on my own and make money from this brand and help women lead more healthy and fulfilled lives.

Once I quit it was a matter of days before a part time consulting job landed in my lap doing the exact thing I had been so passionate about but with the flexibility I needed. I started realizing that the more you live in alignment with yourself the more the universe rewards you.

I know… woowoo stuff but I can’t explain it guys. If you settle, you are limiting yourself. I’ve tried implementing this ‘never settle’ mindset into my every day because like I said earlier, the little things add up on top of each other to be a life of settling so I’m trying to be unapologetic about my needs, flowing with life, and taking care of myself and it feels really good. Things are happening.

I’m not saying you should quit your job and another one will appear magically lol. I spoke this shit into existence. I talked to Ky about it, spoke it out loud to my friends, and said I’m going to quit my job. I need something more flexible but want to continue in this industry. I visualized it daily.

There’s so much about visualizing the life you want because that’s half the battle. The rest is just trusting yourself and making it happen. If you can visualize something, what’s your dream right now? What’s the point of dreaming it if you aren’t going to make it happen?

tips (I go more in depth on the episode):

+ create an action plan with realistic goals – don’t become resentful.

+ be vocal about your feelings but not disrespectful.

+ write down the reasons you shouldn’t. are they reasons?