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5 tips for creating and sustaining a meditation habit

I am a huge advocate for breath. My meditation practice is the one thing that has had the most profound impact on my life for honestly the least amount of effort. AND IT’S FREE. If you can nail down your routine and keep coming back to self even when it feels awkward, this practice will gift you so much more than you bargained for.

This post is inspired by this podcast episode, but in case you want to just read, here are some tips for creating and sustaining a meditation habit:

Let go of any expectations and just start

Wandering thoughts are normal. The point isn’t to turn off your brain from having thoughts. When a thought comes up – just bring your attention back to breath. It feels like it should be harder than it sounds because it is easier said than done, but within the time you dedicate just focus on that one thing. Breathe.

Use a guided meditation app: I like calm insight timer, and joe dispenza meditations

Consistency is better than perfection 

The HOW is usually more important than that what when it comes to building a new habit. You might even be telling yourself that you don’t have time to do this. I myself have thought, “5 minutes isn’t enough”.

PLEASE Let go of all or nothing. This could be said about any area of your life – but this specifically…I genuinely started at 5 minutes 1x daily and now meditate for 15 minutes 2x daily. I built the habit, felt the impact, and came back to it. 

Get comfortable

Scents are a great way to tell your brain its time to tune out to tune in. Use essential oils for your practice or sage or even a candle to just signal that this is that time will help you create consistency and feel more comfortable stepping into this space.

Speaking of getting comfortable, you don’t have to sit perfectly upright in criss cross applesauce. Be comfortable – if you like lying down, great. Seated, lounging back, I *wouldn’t* do this in bed – like when you wake up – but if it works for you I’m not gonna question it! 


  • Space
    • if there’s a space you can dedicate it’ll also help ur brain to build that habit. My routine right now – I wake up and feed the dogs. While they are outside, I meditate for 15 min in my office. My phone and headphones are already in there and I can just turn on some sound bowls or nature and set my timer. As soon as its done I get up and go wash my face (don’t forget SPF!!), get the dogs, and start the day. 
  • Time / use it as your commute
    • If you are WFH especially – I loved when I had more consistent meetings in my 9-5 to still have a commute. Theres a lot of stress in shutting the door for your first meeting at 8:59 and going right into it – give yourself a chance to switch gears from home to work and have it on the calendar. You could do 10 min meditation and 5 min desk tidy and brain dump of your plan for the day. If you drive to work try doing it in ur car when u get there if the parking lot is safe. Just finding that few minutes to anchor into breath and ground YANO! 

Your practice doesn’t begin until you want to get up 

When you’re starting to feel anxious or want to go do all the things – that isn’t even you – that’s your ego.

Your brain is trying to trick you into doing something “more interesting” or “more productive” but being able to sit with yourself and just be is a muscle you can build. Training your mind to be where you are starts with simple 5 minute daily practices that lead into a whole life of entering each day intentional and mindfully.