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recent reads

I love to read. It’s such a great escape from reality. When I go on vacation I bring at least a few books and can’t help myself but grab one I NEED at Hudson News lol.

Fun fact: my bachelors degree is in english literature and journalism. The type of books I read depends on what season I’m in. When I was in a job that stifled my creativity, I used fiction to escape. Over the pandemic and this last year I’ve used fiction to escape but some of my favorite writers released new books that I had to get my hands on. Here’s what I’ve been reading recently:

Big Magic is a book every creative needs to have on hand. I pick it up often and re-read the same short stories from Eat, Pray, Love’s Elizabeth Gilbert on how both creative flow and ideas “work”.

I’ve followed Adam Grant’s work over the years and been a big fan. Would DIE to talk to him on the pod. He’s an organizational psychologist who is most known for Give and Take, which was instrumental in me accepting that it’s okay and in fact better to be a giver. (I was in an all boys environment thinking that I had to be a savage which didn’t feel like me.) Think Again is such a great tool for rethinking your opinions and a great read for today’s times. It reminds us that we should always be curious but we should mostly be aware that we don’t know everything and never will. Knowing that is power!

When I say EVERYONE needs to read Oprah’s latest book… I mean it. It’s not because I’m friends with her, either. This book is set up like a conversation between her and Dr. Perry (I’m sure audible would be nice like a podcast). Dr. Bruce Perry is the child psychologist who she first started working with 25+ years ago RE: her schools in Africa. They break down how what happens to us as children sets us up for who we become as adults — not socioeconomically — what actually happens in our BRAINS. I think anyone who wants to have children should read it but even going through it at this point as made me think so much differently about the behavior of others.

This is the first book WW has EVER put out that doesn’t have mention of points or food. I actually got to interview Dr. Gary about this book for an in-app podcast which was fun because he writes about topics like self-compassion and being body positive. Among other initiatives, this book is proof that WW is evolving and is here to make wellness (not dieting) livable. If you struggle with on again off again, this is a great read for improving your mindset.


This is in my cart and I’m very excited to dive in. Have you read it yet? Or any of Brene’s books? I read Braving the Wilderness with an in-prison book club and it was really cool to partner up and talk about the themes. A great read if you know you are meant for more but not sure how to get there ❤️

What are you reading? Anything I should pick up?